The Pickled Prepper
Prepper News Update

Large Fires Break Out at Russian Oil Depots

Multiple fires were burning in Bryansk, Russia, as fuel supplies depots caught on fire Monday. This could represent an escalation of the war in Ukraine.
Stimulus will put money in our pockets.

Dem Pollster Issues Frantic Warning on Midterms

Everything we worry about as preppers -- the economy, Russia, rising crime rates, etc. -- is likely to cost the Democrats the election.
prepper news update

Beijing Residents Scramble To Stockpile Food

Beijing residents are worried they could be subjected to the same stringent lockdowns that have affected Shanghai for weeks.
A field of wheat being harvested

FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants

The FBI warned that cyber attacks on attack could potentially "significantly disrupt" not only our food supply but the economy.
The matrix

The Russia-NATO Cyber War Is Escalating Fast

The cyber war between NATO and Russia, which has largely been taking place out of view, is expected to ramp up in the coming days.
Electric meter

UK Energy Execs Predict “Fuel Poverty” Will Crush Households

The rising cost of electricity in the UK is driving people into fuel poverty as more people are unable to pay their bill.
Russian ICBM test launch

New Russian Missile will Make Enemies ‘Think Twice’, says Putin

Russia tested its newest ICBM today, a missile it claims cannot be intercepted.
prepper news update

Army Details Plan to Update WWII-era Ammo Plants

The U.S. is looking into upgrading and modernizing ammunition manufacturing facilities, tooling and processes.
Pumping oil from the ground, Image by John R Perry from Pixabay.

JP Morgan Sees Oil Price Above $185

The price of oil could spike up to $185 per barrel if the EU bans imports of Russian oil, predicts JP Morgan.
A forlorn shopping cart, representing food shortages.

Corn Exceeds $8 A Bushel For First Time In Decade

Concerns about the coming food shortage caused corn futures to close at their highest level in a decade.