Is World War III Growing Closer in Europe?
Is Europe be carving a path toward war or simply preparing for the worst while hoping for the best? Because the worst could be pretty bad.
Protein Sources for Preppers
The average American gets more than 50 percent of their protein from meat and dairy. Are you prepared for those sources to dry up in a disaster?
Summer Heatwave Threatens Electric Grid, Coastal Cities
High temperatures threaten the power grid in Texas and the Midwest while warm ocean temperatures likely mean a strong 2024 hurricane season.
Inflation Hits 20 Percent Under Biden
Inflation, taxes, and recession fears are not only hurting everyday Americans, they are crushing small businesses, the economic engine of America.
Video on Cash Versus Banks
Pete's written about the importance of using cash to enhance your privacy and anonymity. Here's a short video with a similar perspective.
Evacuations Ordered as Houston Floods, Again
Strong storms with heavy rains are causing heavy flooding and have officials calling for evacuation in and around Houston.
The Heat is On for Much of the U.S.
The national Weather Services predicts a hooter-than-normal summer for much of the U.S.
Expert Warns Iran Could Quickly Produce 12 Nukes
A nuclear weapons inspector warns that Iran could quickly produce up to a dozen nuclear warheads in just a few months.
What its Like at the Center of a Nuclear Strike
When a nuclear weapon hits, the resulting fireball and high winds bulldoze everything withing three miles and kill people for fifteen miles.
CIA Expects Iranian Attack in the Next 38 Hours
The CIA has reportedly warned that Iran plans to attack Israel with a "rain" of drones and missiles within the next 48 hours.