The Pickled Prepper
F16 fighter jet

Russia Threatens to Attack NATO Airbases

If the Ukrainian F16 fighter jets operate out of NATO airbases outside Ukraine, Putin says he will consider them "legitimate targets."
9mm ammunition

All About Investing in Tangible Goods

The ins and outs of investing in tangible goods, including why and how.
A concealed carry pistol in a holster

Home-Jackings are a Good Reason to Own a Gun

When criminals are at the door, a handgun is often available more quickly than a police officer. Are you prepared to defend yourself?
Power generation plant

Electric Utilities Can’t Keep up with Surging Demand

So many data centers are being built or are in the planning stages that we could see a surge in electrical demand beyond what the utilities can produce.
Gold coins and bars

Gold Hits New Record High

Gold hit a record high today, Bitcoin came close, and silver was up too. What's going on with these markets?
A bank vault

Some Regional Banks See Shaky Financial Future

Just as last year's bank failures fade from memory, problems at some other banks raise fears of a new round of bank failures.
prepper news update

Poverty is the Parent of Revolution, Crime and War

What happens when you have a weak economy, a weak president and strong enemies? It isn't good.
Underground tunnel

Prepping for an Apocalyptic Future

Survival food sales are at record levels as are bunker sales as everyone prepares for the possibility of an apocalyptic future.
Tractors are one of many diesel-powered vehicles that are necessary to produce food on a large scale.

Farmers Win Big in Europe

Protests paid off for farmers across the European Union as the European Commission removed plans to cut agriculture pollution 30 percent.
Seoul, South Korea, lies just 24 miles South of the border with North Korea.

Korea Preparing for Nuclear War

As North Korea becomes more aggressive and antagonistic towards South Korea, the possibility of a nuclear attack cannot be ignored.