Evacuations Ordered as Houston Floods, Again

A military vehicle patrols neighborhoods around Houston looking for flood victims who need to be rescued after Hurricane Harvey struck in 2017.
A military vehicle patrols neighborhoods around Houston looking for flood victims who need to be rescued after Hurricane Harvey struck in 2017.

Houston and many areas around it are flooding, again, after heavy rains. The headlines say this is as bad as hurricane Harvey, which hit in August of 2017. I feel bad for those affected, but I’ve never understood why people who live in danger zones stay there. 

Later this summer, parts of California will probably burn, again. Both Texas and California will potentially experience electrical brownouts or rotating blackouts as insufficient power generation resources cause their utilities to cut entire neighborhoods off so the system doesn’t crash. I wouldn’t want to live in Texas in the summer without air conditioning.

If I lived in a danger zone, I’d move or make other plans. Prepping is more than preparing for a national disaster, it also includes preparing for local emergencies, power outages, and avoiding danger by not living on a hill subject to mountain slides, in a flood plain, on a earthquake fault line, or where hurricanes strike. Plan accordingly.

Published 05/03/2024. Read full article.