What Preppers Need to Know About Septic Systems
In most cases, your septic system will continue to work after a grid-down experience, but not aways, and not necessarily for long.
Canned Goods Versus MREs for Bugging In or Out
Canned foods and MREs can all be part of your preps, but they good for different things. We look a why you should probably store both.
The Future that Wasn’t So Bright
When I was a kid, the future of this country seemed so bright. We were world leaders, winners, and special. Today. not so much.
Israel Strikes Back in Response to Iranian Attack
As I write this around 10:30 p.m. (Eastern) on 4/18, there is breaking news that Israel is attacking Iran and Syria. It is too...
Five Steps to All-Out War in the Middle East
Only two of he five steps that will lead to an all-out war int he Middle East remain to be taken. The world holds its breath after Iran's attack on Israel.
We Commit to Solar Power
We bite the bullet, write a check, and sign the contract with a solar provider. With any luck, we'll have a while-house solar power system installed in 90 days.
What Does the Skyrocketing Price of Gold Signal?
Why is the price of gold rising, and what does it mean? As the smart money races to safety, should you do the same?
Israel Withdrawal Scores Some Favorable Publicity
Israel may be withdrawing some troops from Gaza, but this doesn't mean the war is over, This is just a pause between battles.
How Much Silver is Enough?
A prepper friend shares his silver collection and seeks to answer the question, is that enough silver? Enough for what? asks Pete.
Should you Worry About Bird Flu?
The bird flu is back in the news, but what are the odds it will it become the next global pandemic? Should you prep for this?