The Pickled Prepper
Wall Street

This is How to Survive a Collapse

You need to add some financial preparedness to your standard preps if you want to survive to coming economic collapse.
A pile of Jenga pieces in a tower.

This is How a Collapse Starts

Collapses aren't caused by any one thing, but many small things can add up to take down the largest systems and most powerful countries.
A man alone in the forest

Walking Home after the SHTF

Preppers often talk about bugging out, but we rarely talk about getting home if you are away when a disaster strikes. Here's a scenario.
survival cache

Ten Unusual and Unexpected Things you will Want After the SHTF

Some preps are obvious, others less so. Here is Pete's list of 10 unusual preps things that are not on the normal top ten prepping lists.
credit cards and wallet

Is it Time to Prepare for a Banking Collapse?

How prepared are you if the banking system collapses and w the banks are closed and credit and debit cards don't work?
A mountain horizon

Big Change on the Horizon

An Important announcement about a big change to The Pickled Prepper Blog.
A pick up truck on the road

A Travel Survival Pack or Get Home Kit

When you are out of town, you have to carry your survival supplies with you. Are you equipped to walk home after a disaster?
Silicon Valley Bank logo

The Government Admits our Economy is in Trouble

By making SVB depositors whole, the government is tacitly admitting that our economy is on the verge of falling off a cliff and can't withstand a shock.
Man falling from building

Are Bank Closures a Sign of the Fall?

Will the banking system make a hard landing or a soft landing after the SVB closure? Are you prepared for whatever comes next?
A bank vault

Did we Just Hear the Starting Gun for a Bank Run?

The banking sector just took a hit Thursday, losing tens of billions of dollars, and it could be the start in a race to the bottom.