The Pickled Prepper
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Two Actions Today Moved the World a Step Closer to War

It's all well and good to prepare for natural disasters and an economic collapse, but war is a constant in our history. Don't neglect to prepare for it.

Social Media is Killing us Softly; How to Limited Your Risk

After three months, I dip my toe back into the social media stream and I remember why I left: social media is a big part of what is wrong with society.

Outdoor Work Resumes as the Weather Warms Again

Warm, dry weather means its time to work outdoors, so we recently picked up where we had left off with the garden fencing project.

New York City may be our Canary in the COVID Mine

For decades, miners would bring canaries into coal mines to act as an early warning system for carbon monoxide and other toxic gases. NYC may be our early warning system for COVID-19.

COVID Retreats in U.S., Continues to March Across Europe

The U.S. continues to ramp of vaccine production and distribution while Europe sees a new wave of COVID-19 cases begin to build.

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop

If we didn't expect something bad to happen, we wouldn't prep. What you prepare for and how you prepare are critical to your success.

A Thump in the Night and I Grab my Shockwave

What do you reach for when you hear a loud noise in the middle of the night? The phone? Your rifle? I reached for my Mossberg Shockwave because it was handy.

A Quick and Easy Way to Add Important Macronutrients to Your...

Many long term storage foods leaving you short of important macronutrients because they are carb-heavy and starch-based.

Product Review: The UTG Flip Up Front and Rear Sights

My next set of back up iron sights arrived in the mail, so I evaluated them and compared them to the A.R.M.S. sights.

Prepper Diary March 17: We get a Cold Snap for St...

Despite the recent warm weather, we find that winter is not over as temperatures turn colder and fog heralds the arrival of rain and snow.