The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Chickens

Chickens marching out of the coop.

Chickens at Eight Weeks: An Update

Our first experience at raising chickens continues to go well. These ladies are about halfway to early adulthood and should be laying in a couple months.

In Search of Meat for my Survival Stores

I don't want to live on grains an greens alone. I am a omnivore unless given the opportunity to be a carnivore. But that's difficult to accommodate when prepping.
Young chickens in their coop

The Chickens Graduate from their Brooder to their Coop

After a month, the garage had started to smell, well, like chickens. Or maybe chicken poop. The time had come to move them into their permanent home.
Chicks that are 18 days old

The Chicken Coop is Complete, but the Chicks aren’t Quite Ready...

We got off to a slow start back in mid-March and the weather wasn't the most cooperative, but we've finally finished building the chicken coop.
Bees on a frame of honey

Feeding the Bees and Cleaning the Chickens

We may have small stock, but its keeping us busy! From feeding the bees to cleaning chicks with pasty butt, it's all part of a day in the life of a homseteader.
Week old chicks

Another Busy Week on the Homestead

With spring giving way to summer and summer storms rolling through, we have to plan our work around the weather. There always seems to be more to be done.
Chicks in their brooder

Wow, Talk About a Busy Day

They say that when it rains it pours. That was the case today when all the livestock we had ordered months ago showed up on the same day.
Beehives and chicken coop

The Chicks and Bees are on their Way!

Work continues between the rain drops as the chicken coop and beehives await their new occupa
Fist pump

Ending our Weekly COVID-19 Report with a Victory

When Charlie Sheen famously said "Winning!" it came back to bite him, but we're still declaring victory over COVID-19. For now, at least.
A pile of firewood waiting to be stacked

Prepper Diary May 13: Is Firewood An Inflation Fighter?

Anything that you can buy now and keep for a couple years will help you resist the undertow of inflation as rising prices threaten to drag you under.