Tag: Civil War
How to Face the Three Threats
A dystopian future caused by war, political strife, and economic collapse might await us. How can we prepare to survive that?
Will the War on Fertilizer Lead to Revolution?
To start a revolution, the government has to take away hope, and put people in a position where they have little or nothing to lose. We're getting there.
Kazakhstan: Watching a Society Fall Apart in Real Time
It started with protests over the high cost of fuel. Now there are running gun battles in the street and the Kazakhstan government is bringing in Russian troops.
When it’s Time to Stop Going with the Flow
Sometimes, you reach a juncture where you have to go with the flow or take a stand. But taking a stand can mean many different things.
40 Million Americans are Ready to Take up Arms
Americans are more ready than ever to pick up their arms and fight for their rights. The gun grabber would do well to remember this.
Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money: WallStreetBets Shows us how to Fight...
Are we witnessing the first shots fire in anger of CW2? Will it be fought with money and words, instead of guns?