The Pickled Prepper
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A log cabin under construction.

Looks Like More Preppers are Moving to our Mountain

Apparently we are not the only folks who think this is a good area for prepping. Far from the cities and off the beaten track, it is attracting other preppers
Vermeer Mini Skid Steer with Auger

Prepper Diary: We Review our Options and Pick a Powerful Fence...

After evaluating a number of power augers, we decided to go with a powerful option to dig our 25 fence post holes.
Sprouting Seed

Our Nice Rectangular Garden Just Became a Quadrilateral

Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men go awry. We learned that our topography isn't quite as neat and square as the graph paper we plotted our garden on.
Skyscrapers in the city

Survival Diary February 24: We Make a Trip to the City

We made our first big shopping trip to the city in two months and it drove home the difference between living in big cities, small cities and rural areas.
The first flower of spring

After the Deep Freeze, we Experience the First Twinges of Spring

After a spate of cold days with temps dropping into the teens, we see the first signs of spring and we test our gravity-flow water system.
The wiring for our Buck Stove insert blower.

Prepper Diary February 7: As More Snow is Forecast, we have...

Stuff never breaks when its convenient. That's why a good prepper can improvise and McGyver his way back into business when something fails on the homstead.
Hardy, waterproof work boots are a prepper's friend.

Prepper Diary February 6: Waterproof Boots, COVID-19, and Frozen Pipes

Have you ever tried digging a hole in sandals? It doesn't work very well, which is why you need a pair of work boots. You should be stockpiling good, sturdy workboots.
22LR bricks

Prepper Diary February 3: Snowbound, Like the Rest of the Northeast

While half the country is snowed in with record amounts of snowfall, someone is buying up all the ammo and driving prices up.
This is the jacket cover of the first edition of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

A Report on Life from John Galt’s Gulch

We can stop socialism in its tracks by not sharing our money, our ideas, and our labor with them. Make little or no money, and they can’t tax you. Don’t work for the man, and the system will collapse.
Spam and eggs cooking on our wood stove.

Prepper Diary January 30: It’s Bitterly Cold, Making it the Best...

Garden seeds sold out last year due to COVID-19 and there are hints that it may happen again, especially with heirlooms seeds. Plan your garden now!