The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Inflation

An empty soup shelf from May 2020

The Dangers of Running out of Stuff

Will the world as we know it come crashing down because of supply chain shortages? It's certainly possible as shortages may persist for years.
Canned goods from Sam's Club

Inflation on my Recent Sam’s Club Visit Hits 15 Percent

Inflation has hit food prices at Sam's Club, driving up items we buy between 6 and 35 percent for an average price increase of 15 percent.
A cash register drawer.

How we will Fight High Food Inflation Next Year

Do you have a plan if food inflation reaches 30 percent next year? Here's what we are doing to cut our food costs.
A roll of Franklin half-dollars that are 90 percent silver.

Taking my Own Advice and Stacking up

That's not a typo. I decided it was time to stack some silver to help combat inflation and hold for post SHTF purposes.

Prepper News Update November 27

My house is still filled with family and friends after Thanksgiving, so we will only have prepper news update today instead of original contents. ...
Black tactical boots worn in the woods.

Beyond the Basics: What You Should be Stockpiling Now

When you are prepping for the long term, you need to go beyond food, water, self-dense, and medical. Footwear is one good example.
prepper news update

Prepper News Update November 11

Inflation Cripples Turkish Lira If you pay attention to Turkey–and much of the world is not because the situation gets little mainstream media coverage–you can...
A one-ounce gold Krugerrand

My Old Gold Coin is worth How Much?

The summer before Y2K, I bought this gold Krugerrand for $278. Want to guess how many times more than that it is worth today?
$100 bills

The Supply Chain is a Symptom; The Money Supply is the...

The supply chain is taking lots of blame for inflation, but this is to deflect blame from our economic policy. Inflation is caused by a ballooning money supply.

Prepper News Update November 13

Costs Rise for Chinese Producers as Their Producer Price Index Climbs 13.5 Percent This article on production and sales of consumer goods in China has...