The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

A man alone in the forest

What to Prep When your Pantry is Full

Once you are stocked up on food and water, what else should you store? We look at valuable additions to your preps for when the SHTF.
This is what $26 buys at Walmart

Should you Still be Buying Food?

Some months ago, I stopped stocking up on food, figuring I had enough. Now, I am not so sure. Everything is pointing to a...
the definition of autarky

Setting up Autarkic Societies after the SHTF

We should look at history when it comes to setting up self-sufficient social units and communities after the SHTF.
A Tesla on the side of a mountain road.

Hey Green Energy, the Joke’s on You

California will prohibit new gas and diesel cars in 2035. That's bad news for preppers, and probably for all Californians.
Presidents Biden and Obama

Government Lies and When You Should Start to Worry

Don't trust the government. They will lie to your face and justify it as being for your own good.
Very large fnas

When the SHTF, it will be Worse that you Expect

When the SHTF its going to be uglier than we expect, and there will be no one left to send air or help pick up the pieces.
making a list

Advanced Prepping: Beyond Food and Water

After your cupboards are full and your store room is packed, it's time to move on to advance planning and prepping.
A hidden forest cabin

The Forgotten Prep; Beyond Food and Water

Preppers concentrate on food and water so much they sometimes neglect their prepper shelter. Are you ready to survive live without utilities?
Honey from the spring and summer

How to add Calories to your Long Term Storage Plan

Storing food is critical to survival, but raising your own food can provide critical calories and help extend the life of your food storage.
A lab tech examines a petri dish

Viruses Continue to Pound the U.S.

After COVID, the country has a heightened awareness of viruses. Two others are creating a stir and might disrupt supply chains.