Tag: Prepping
Homesteading Activities Kick into High Gear
As our last frost date is behind us and temperatures rise, we "spring" into full speed, as do our bees and the plants in our garden beds.
How to Become the Island of Stability in a Sea of...
Us against them, emotional thinking, and the inability of many to live and let live is contributing to the decay of society. Here's how to survive.
Warning Sign: Foods Out of Stock items at Sam’s Club
Only 56 percent of the items on my Sam’s Club grocery list were in stock at my local store. The food shortage is about to become real.
Ten Things You Should Buy Before it’s too Late
Supply chain problems are here, and they are getting worse. Inflation is here, and costs are rising. Ten things to buy while you still can,
How I Plan to Manage High Inflation and Rising Costs
Tactics and techniques to deal with inflation, maximize your dwindling money, and how to get the most for the least.
Can America Survive 32 more Months of This?
One third of the way into Joe Biden's term as president, and you have to wonder if the country can survive the economic pain he is bringing.
Homestead Life is Tiring but Fulfilling
In our second year on the homestead, the progress we have made from last year is evident. We have not realized its full potential, but we are underway.
Last Minute food Preps for the Coming Crisis
If we expect a food crisis in months, then our list of storage foods changes. Here are some suggestions for your prepper pantry with a short time horizon.
Why The Coming Food Shortage will be Worse than we Expect
The coming food crisis is going to be worse than people expect. Here are warning signs to look for and things you can do to protect yourself.
Picking the Right Tool for the Job
It's a good idea to uses your tools and preps in the real world before you need them. You might have picked the wrong tool for the job.