The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

A man alone in the forest

Is there a Prepper Personality?

Is there a personality profile for preppers? Are introverts better preppers than extroverts? What about planning and attention to detail?
Chickens pecking at some scratch in their chicken run.

Why You Need to Raise Chickens

Chickens can provide a daily supply of healthy eggs at a price that is hard to beat. Plus, you won't be affected by an egg shortage.
Map of Australia

Greetings from Down Under

A prepper from down under gives us an introduction to his life as a prepper in Australia.
Man with gas mask and gun in a wasteland

Are you Ready for Anything?

Disasters are not neat and tidy and don't arrive on schedule. While we can plan for one thing, we need to be ready for anything and everything.
Wheat Kernels

Squeezing a Few More Items into my Prepper Pantry

Worried about the threat of nuclear war, food shortages, inflation and an expanding war, I find it hard not to add to my food preps.
$100 bills

When Your Money is Not Your Money

Your money in the bank may not be as safe as you think. It's not robbers you have to worry about, it's the government and courts.
Globe on fire

Don’t Let Your Guard Down

Don't let your guard down when things seem to calm down. We are in the middle of a massive societal change, and things are going to get worse before they get better.
$100 bill burning

Will Inflation and Demand Destruction Destroy our Economy?

Inflation, stagflation, and hyperinflation can lead to demand destruction, recession and depression. Are you ready for years of economic woe?
High price of bacon

The Food Shortage is Here, and People are Prepping

I went to our favorite Sam’s Club this past week, and it is apparent from the shelves that the food shortage is here. Don’t get...
Drudge Report front banner on 3-24-22

Looming Nuclear War Threat, Food Crisis Endanger World

When stories on the possibility of nuclear war, even a limited nuclear war, appear in newspapers from New York Times to the Seattle Times...