Tag: Prepping
Ukraine Invasion Threat Creeps Closer
It’s that calm before the storm, that awkward pause where you know war is coming, but it’s too late to stop it.
Food Shortages Encourage Americans to Become Preppers
Many things have changed in the past two years, including shopping habits. Food shortage are causing more people to stock up and expand their pantry.
Are You Prepared for an EMP Attack?
The government has previously estimated that an EMP attack on the U.S. could result in the death of up to 90 percent of the population. Are you prepared for that?
Is the Left Trying to Cause a Collapse?
The left don't want freedom, they want a country where those who disagree with government mandates are censored and imprisoned “for their own good.”
Review of Sam’s Club Shipping for Preppers
We tested online ordering and shipping from Sam's Club to see it would be good for a last minute stock up in an emergency.
Cool Prepper Stuff I Can Only Dream About
Every prepper has goals, and then we have dreams, fantasies about all the cool gear we'd like to have. If only.
Temperatures Plummet as Artic Blasts Heads South to Texas
Another storm with an artic blast is coming. This time, it;s heading to the Midwest and as far south as Texas.
Bitter Cold Headed Our Way
Cold temperatures are sweeping the U.S. with frost warnings in Florida and blizzard warnings in the Northeast. We're looking at sub-zero temperatures.
Cold Temperatures Bring Ice in All the Wrong Places
There's more to being a prepper than storing food; to be truly self-sufficient, you have to be able to fix things yourself.
When they say “Empty Shelves,” they mean “Food Shortages”
"Empty shelves" is a trending topic, but why don't they just come out and say we have a food shortage? Stock up or risk going hungry.