Tag: Prepping
Taking Advantage of the Cooler Weather on the Homestead
We are working to make fall plantings, clean up the homestead, stock up, and generally make sure we are ready for winter.
Concealed Carry Gives you Options in a Mass Shooting
Without a gun, you can run and hide. With a gun, you can run, hide, or choose fight back. Give yourself a fighting chance.
Prepper Diary: Autumn Arrives in a Deluge
Autumn is bringing us rain, but also apples, hunting, and before long, fires in the wood stove to keep us warm.
Pay me in Cash: How to Survive Without a Paycheck
Apparently 30 million working-age men are managing to survive without a paycheck. Here's how they do it and what you can learn from them.
Ten Foods Every Prepper Should Have in Their Pantry
Need to know where to start on your food preps without spending a ton of money or getting ripped off? This list is a great starting point.
Why Every Prepper Should have a Headlamp (or Three)
Flashlights are handy, and I carry one as part of my EDC, but headlamps allow you to go hand-free which is important when you have chores to do in the dark.
Prepper News Update for September 17
Cold Winter Predicted for most of U.S., Canada
The 2022 Old Farmer’s Almanac’s editor says “This coming winter could well be one of the longest...
Prices Rise but Some Bargains Remain at Sam’s Club
The prices of meat is rising from visit to visit, but there are still some good buys to be had for the prepper at Sam's Club.
A Prepping Primer: Five Basic Steps for New Preppers – Part...
Too many beginning preppers don’t know where to start or focus on the wrong items. Learn from my experience and avoid stupid prepping mistakes.
A Prepping Primer: Five Basic Steps for New Preppers – Part...
Too many beginning preppers don't know where to start or focus on the wrong items. Learn from my experience and avoid stupid prepping mistakes.