The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

A surplus of oranges to trade

Don’t Wait for the You-Know-What to Hit the Fan, Barter Now

I've made some good trades with tools I no longer need to get tools I want. We don't have to wait for the STHTF to barter.
Los Angeles

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Ranked Hottest Emerging Housing Market

I've been to Coeur d’Alene and wasn't impressed. But then, cities don't impress me. My advice: Skip the intermediate steps and move rural.
Time to prep

Time to Double Down on Prepping

Look around. When things take a turn for the worse, it's time to double down on prepping and planning for the worst case scenario.
farming in the 1800s

I’m Building Infrastructure to Support My Future Food Supply

If our society collapses in a TEOTWAWKI event, we'll struggle to hang on to our remnants of modern society. Building it to last and building it now will be keys to success.
survival cache

Clearing Out our Survival Retreat and a Look at What We...

Ever wonder what a prepper stores at their survival retreat? We visited our retreat and here's a look at the supplies we cached there.
A new bee hive with two deep hive bodies and a telescoping lid.

So You Want to Raise Bees: What are your Objectives?

Many homesteaders and preppers raise bees. Are they right for you? What are possible objectives for raising bees? What are the start-up costs?
The cover of World Made by Hand by James Howard Kunstler

Book Review “World Made by Hand” by James Howard Kunstler

Sometimes you pick up a book and its difficult to put down again. This book definitely roped me in and grabbed my attention. A great read!
A busy NYC intersection before COVID-19 set in.

As the Shutdowns Draw to a Close, Traffic and Crime Rises

Shutting down the country to prevent the spread of COVID-19 had plenty of unintended consequences, from the economic to mental health. Reopening may have consequences, too.
The yellow blooms of forthysia herald the coming of spring

Spring Shows Up For a Few Days, the Tease

The yellow blooms of forsythia in the valley below us herald the coming of spring, but our mountain locations keeps it at bay.
Facebook crossed out

Social Media is Killing us Softly; How to Limited Your Risk

After three months, I dip my toe back into the social media stream and I remember why I left: social media is a big part of what is wrong with society.