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Fires broke out after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop

If we didn't expect something bad to happen, we wouldn't prep. What you prepare for and how you prepare are critical to your success.
A dark night in the country. Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash.

A Thump in the Night and I Grab my Shockwave

What do you reach for when you hear a loud noise in the middle of the night? The phone? Your rifle? I reached for my Mossberg Shockwave because it was handy.
Canned Meats

A Quick and Easy Way to Add Important Macronutrients to Your...

Many long term storage foods leaving you short of important macronutrients because they are carb-heavy and starch-based.
Bees on a frame

A New, Local Queen and Bees to Strengthen our Hive

When we went to pick up the bee hive components I had ordered, we found a source for local queens and bees to help our hive start off strong.
Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

All About Inflation and How to Protect Yourself

The main stream media doesn't cover it outside the financial pages, but inflation is coming. Here's what it means to you and how preppers have a leg up when it comes to surviving inflation.
Honey bees. Image by Terri Sharp from Pixabay.

Picking the Best Breeds for our Bee and Chick Orders

As spring comes closer, we order our bee hive, bees, and chicks. It was a learning experience but we will plan better next year.

Warm Weather Brings Family, Gardening, and Target Practice

When the fall warms up, we call it Indian Summer. What's it called when we get a preview of spring? I call it time to get a jump on outside projects.
Loose Lips Sink Ships Poster

Loose Lips Sink Ships; Knowing When to Say Nothing

While there are no U-boats out there, someone may be looking to torpedo you. Knowing when to say nothing and keep a low profile can help protect you.
A log cabin under construction.

Looks Like More Preppers are Moving to our Mountain

Apparently we are not the only folks who think this is a good area for prepping. Far from the cities and off the beaten track, it is attracting other preppers
fence posts braced and ready

Prepper Diary March 6: Installing our Fence Posts Continues

After drilling our holes earlier in the week and picking up gravel and concrete yesterday, we are ready to continue installing our fence posts.