Tag: The Economy
As the Economy Crashes, Reopening Push Builds
When does the short term public health good get outweighed by the long-term economic damage?
Coronavirus and the Global SNAFU lead to Food Crisis
As COVID-19 continues to disrupt lives, trade, and governments around the world, the economic disruption extends well beyond national borders.
The Risk vs Reward of Reopening
The potential medical consequences of re-opening hit the news cycle yesterday with a vengeance as Dr. Fauci testified before the senate.
The COVID-19 Curve Heads Downward
As cases and deaths continue to drop despite some states reopening, the questions remains: When will the rest of the country reopen?
Things Turn Ugly
While COVID-19 data continues to improve, the rest of the news does not. If this is what the “new normal” looks like, then we’re in for a pretty ugly immediate future as politics rears its ugly head, job losses become permanent, and fears of a second wave persist.
Unemployment Soars as COVID-19 Persists
COVID-19 cases continue to grow slowly across the U.S. and the world as unemployment reaches new heights.
The Economics of COVID-19 vs Reopening
There’s an economic cost to keeping the country shutdown and a cost in lives if we reopen. We need to strike a balance where we can move forward without endangering vulnerable groups.
How to Prep for a Recession
Coronavirus is creating a recession in the U.S. and around the world. Prepare for it while you still can.
COVID-19 Growth Rate Drops Across Most States
Reported cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. continued to hold steady with 30,000 new cases in the past 24 hours. This is an increase...
COVID-19 and Freedom of Choice
The battle against the coronavirus has come a long way since April 1. But has it come far enough to reopen American?