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Monthly Archives: May 2020

Canned meats on a shelf

Quarantine Day 63: Stocking the Little Extras

I’ve said that one of the biggest lessons the coronavirus pandemic has taught me is that we need to store more junk food and...
Protesters want to reopen ohio

As the Economy Crashes, Reopening Push Builds

When does the short term public health good get outweighed by the long-term economic damage?
A field of wheat being harvested

Coronavirus and the Global SNAFU lead to Food Crisis

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt lives, trade, and governments around the world, the economic disruption extends well beyond national borders.
A country home

Get Your Retreat or Country Home While You Still Can

The coronavirus is going to change our lives. One of the results is that more and more people will be working from home. That means they can work from anywhere.
empty coffee shop, Photo by Matt Hoffman on Unsplash

The Risk vs Reward of Reopening

The potential medical consequences of re-opening hit the news cycle yesterday with a vengeance as Dr. Fauci testified before the senate.
Social distancing while waiting to enter Trader Joes

Quarantine Day 60: How Coronavirus is Changing My Behavior

Things are starting to reopen, but now we have to decide if we are going to leave the safe cocoon of our home and venture out into the world again.
The novel coronavirus

The COVID-19 Curve Heads Downward

As cases and deaths continue to drop despite some states reopening, the questions remains: When will the rest of the country reopen?
Woodworking and carpentry tools

How to Prosper in a Barter Economy

This article explains how to barter successfully after an economic collapse. Rather than list 10, 20 or even 200 items you should stock for bartering, it tells you what to do and how to go about it.
COVID-19 Curves

Things Turn Ugly

While COVID-19 data continues to improve, the rest of the news does not. If this is what the “new normal” looks like, then we’re in for a pretty ugly immediate future as politics rears its ugly head, job losses become permanent, and fears of a second wave persist.
older man wearing mask, photo by Photo by Michael Williams II on Unsplash.

Coronavirus Fear vs Familiarity

Does familiarity breed contempt? Or as we learn more do we just fear COVID-19 less?