Monthly Archives: May 2021
Prepper Diary: A Chilly and Somber Memorial Day
Why do we say "Happy Memorial Day?" Shouldn't it be a more somber holiday? This year the weather was cold enough that no one on the East Coast felt like celebrating the start of summer.
Time to Buy an 80-percent Receiver and Build a Ghost Gun
Gun sales are soaring. Ammo is in short supply. The Democrats want to ban your guns. The ATF wants to increase regulation. Sounds like its time to buy a gun,
COVID May be Over in the U.S., But Repercussions Persist
While U.S. cases of COVID-19 and the positive test continue to reach new lows, other countries are still experiencing surges and entering lockdowns.
Prepper Diary May 28: When is a Weed not a Weed
With the weather improving and the sun shining again, we embark on a host of gardening and other outdoor activities
Prep for your Feet — Good Footwear is Critical for Preppers
I like to think of footwear a shelter for my feet. My boots should keep my feet warm, dry and protected, just like my house.
Using the Ryobi Inverter for Stop-Gap Emergency Power
It's small. It's not very powerful, but the price was right. This mini-inverter adds another layer in our preps.
We Test Aguila Minishells and OPSol Mini-clip in the Mossberg Shockwave
At our last day, we tested a trifecta: The Mossberg Shockwave, outfitted with the OPSol Mini-Clip, shooting the Aguila Minishells.
Ending our Weekly COVID-19 Report with a Victory
When Charlie Sheen famously said "Winning!" it came back to bite him, but we're still declaring victory over COVID-19. For now, at least.
Get Prepared Now for Infrastructure Failures Leading to Collapse
It's not just our food supply that is vulnerable to disruption. Our critical infrastructure is vulnerable and could isolate cities.
Problems in the Food Supply Chain Causes Shortages, Price Increases
Empty grocery store shelves are so last year... or are they? As food service at restaurants and hotels restarts, expect more food supply disruptions.