The Pickled Prepper
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Yearly Archives: 2021

Things are Waterlogged but Back to Normal on the Homestead

We’ve had power for a couple days, and now we have Internet back as well.  I’ve heard terrible reports of local flooding in Tennessee in...

Road Repairs Underway Sooner than we Expected

A county crew was working on the dirt road leading up our mountain Thursday, so we went out to thank them and chatted for...

Remnants of Fred Knock our Power Out

Wind and rain from what is left of Tropical Storm Fred hit us, knocking over trees and some power lines. As a result, I...
A farm in a valley

Hey Preppers, Why are you Still Living in the City?

While there are plenty of urban preppers, it is the hardest place to prep with the lowest expected survival outcome. in a long-term SHTF disaster.

Prepper News Update August 16

Tyson to Raise Prices on September 5 While most of American is enjoying one last long weekend at the beach or in the backyard with...
An Afghanistan technical

The Catastrophe in Afghanistan is Now Complete

Things fell apart in Afghanistan so quickly we had to evacuate Americans via helicopter, giving President Biden a "Saigon moment" and the U.S. a huge black eye.
A family camping in a tent. Photo by Mattias Helge on Unsplash.

How to Overcome Obstacles to Prepping

Are you letting excuses, your budget or a spouse, stop you from prepping? Here are some strategies that can help you overcome these objections.
Anatolian Shepherd/Kangal dog. Photo by bushido mars on Unsplash.

Prepper Diary August 15: We Get a Dog and New Bee...

Adding a good-size dog to our prepper property has been a goal of mine since Day One.
A contagious patient. Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash.

Social Effects of COVID-19 May Be Worse than Medical Threat

COVID-19 is bad, but the damage it is wreaking on our society may be even worse. It is illuminating the petty tyrants who seek to rule rather than govern.
Vaccine syringe and vial

Study Answers Question: How Effective is the Vaccine?

As Delta spreads, new evidence reveals that it might not be the unvaccinated that are causing the problem. The Pfizer vaccine is weak against this variation.