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Yearly Archives: 2021
Prepper News Update August 4
Lack of Rain is Killing Farms in the Southwest
As the drought gets worse and the Colorado River has less and less water, farms in...
We Just Completed Two Raised Beds in the Garden
We added two raised beds as we continue to build infrastructure to support a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
40 Million Americans are Ready to Take up Arms
Americans are more ready than ever to pick up their arms and fight for their rights. The gun grabber would do well to remember this.
Prepper News Update August 2
Shortages, old and new, are in the news again. You wont' believe what they predict will be the next thing that's running low.
Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: Government Loses Control of the COVID-19...
Conflicting data, changing stories, and the politicization of science are resulting in a wave of confusion and mistrust when it comes to this latest wave of COVID-19. messages,
Chickens at Eight Weeks: An Update
Our first experience at raising chickens continues to go well. These ladies are about halfway to early adulthood and should be laying in a couple months.
Is the Sh*t Hitting the Fan Yet?
Sometimes when the news is bad and it seems like every elected official is violating their oath to uphold the Constitution, you have to wonder how close the poop is to the impeller.
Prepper News Update July 30
Vaccines Less Effective Over Time
The FDA has found that the effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine drops by about 19 percent to 84 percent over...
The Slippery Slope: Where do the Mandates End?
First it was mask mandates. Then it was business closures. Now the government is forcing people to get the vaccine. Wher does this pattern of abuse lead us?
We Shop 7 Gun Stores Seeking Better Prices
I've heard ammo prices are dropping and the shortage is over, but is that true? I stop by gun stores during a road trip to check it out.