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Yearly Archives: 2021
Another Busy Week on the Homestead
With spring giving way to summer and summer storms rolling through, we have to plan our work around the weather. There always seems to be more to be done.
How to Cut Back on Spending and Live Frugally During Inflation
When inflation hits, costs outstrip raises and cost-of-living increases, making it difficult to maintain your standard of living. Here are 52 things you can do when inflation hits.
It’s Official: Inflation is Setting Records
New data was released today showing that inflation continued to grow, even outstripping expectations. Food, gasoline and cars prices are all rising
Inflation, War, COVID-19, and Other Dangers Lie Ahead
Our hopes of getting back to the pre-COVID normal seem pretty dismal, but there have always been reasons to prepare.
New Technology for Building the Dystopian Future
My idea of hell is a world of chat bots and automated systems where you can never get to a real human being on the line.
Prices are Rising, but Inflation is Only the Tip of the...
Inflation is going to be bad, but the broader economic and social disruption it can kick off are even worse. Are you prepared?
It’s Finally Time to Install our Welded Wire Fence
Now that the beehives are set up, we need to get our fencing up before the bears sniff them out and come for a visit.
A Forging we Will Go; Building the Perfect Fixed Blade Knife
I never worked a forge or done any blacksmithing, but that's all going to change. Now I just have to decide what to make.
Wow, Talk About a Busy Day
They say that when it rains it pours. That was the case today when all the livestock we had ordered months ago showed up on the same day.
One Hive Down, Two to Go; Plus Cyberattacks on Essential Services
After a clandestine meeting in which I slipped a woman a wad of $20s and she handed me a small, carefully built wooden box, I was the proud owner of some bees.