The Pickled Prepper
A half moon is seen in late afternoon

Winterization is Complete, Just in Time

The leaves are gone, and temperatures in the 20s are expected. Looks like the last of the warm weather is behind us.
Bees on a frame of honey

Feeding the Bees and Cleaning the Chickens

We may have small stock, but its keeping us busy! From feeding the bees to cleaning chicks with pasty butt, it's all part of a day in the life of a homseteader.
Chickens enjoying the spring grass, clover, and weeds.

Are you Prepping in Small Steps or Big?

Whether you prep slowly, a little at a time, or in big batches doesn't matter as much as being prepared when the SHTF. Here's what I did this week.
Framed chicken coop

The Walls are Up as Chicken Coop Framing Continues

More sunny weather allowed us to make substantial progress on our chicken coop yesterday. We expect to pick up with roofing late next week.
A corner H-brace

Outdoor Work Resumes as the Weather Warms Again

Warm, dry weather means its time to work outdoors, so we recently picked up where we had left off with the garden fencing project.
It's always nice to get paid in cash. Photo by Igal Ness on Unsplash.

Pay me in Cash: How to Survive Without a Paycheck

Apparently 30 million working-age men are managing to survive without a paycheck. Here's how they do it and what you can learn from them.
The electric fence is fixed!

Rebuilding our Electric Fence the Right Way

Fixing my electric fence meant tearing it down, installing larger insulators, and almost starting from scratch. But it was a learning experience.
Framing of the 12'x4' rear wall is complete.

Warm Weather Allows us to Make Excellent Progress on our Chicken...

Back to the grind stone--or should I say nail gun? Warm, dry weather allowed me to get back into the field and work on framing the chicken coop.
Installing the fence

It’s Finally Time to Install our Welded Wire Fence

Now that the beehives are set up, we need to get our fencing up before the bears sniff them out and come for a visit.
These 8-week-old Red Star pullets are enjoying their first few days in the coop.

Adding more Egg Layers to the Homestead

After more than two years, our chickens were laying less and less, eggs so we decided it was time to start over with new hens.