The Dangers of Running out of Stuff
Will the world as we know it come crashing down because of supply chain shortages? It's certainly possible as shortages may persist for years.
Another Warm Day Means More Homestead Chores Get Done
There is always some outside work waiting to be done. Why not do it when the weather is warm and the sun is shining?
I Discover a New Role for Shotguns on the Homestead
I've owned shotguns for decades and shot thousands of rounds, but I've never used it on the homestead like this before.
Should Preppers Know how to Fix Small Engines?
If the ships stop sailing, how long will you be able to keep your generator, chain saw, or other small engines running?
Prepper Diary: Warm Weather Means More Work on the Homestead
An unexpected warm spell presented the perfect opportunity to get some work done on the chicken coop and beehives.
Lesson Learned from One Year of Rural Living
One year in, we would move from the city to the mountains again. If you are looking to go rural, maybe you can benefit from our experiences.
Winterization is Complete, Just in Time
The leaves are gone, and temperatures in the 20s are expected. Looks like the last of the warm weather is behind us.
Prepper Diary and Homestead Update for November 10
As fall comes to a close, its time to winterize the homestead and make sure the livestock is protected from snow, wind, and cold weather.
Prepper Diary October 17: A Long Awaited Day Arrives
It's full fledged autumn here. The leaves are falling, the temperatures are dropping, and we're getting ready for winter. Are you ready for a "dark winter?"
Forget the Raccoon, the Bears are Here
This is a perfect example of why you should never let your guard down. The bears showed up two days after I had relaxed because our mystery visitor was just a raccoon.