Putin Says he Won’t Use Nukes in Ukraine
This just in: NBC says Putin rules out using nuclear weapons in Ukraine,
Inflation Protests Across Europe Threaten Political Turmoil
Across Europe, soaring inflation is behind a wave of protests and strikes that underscores growing discontent.
French Strike Pits Workers vs. Government as Inflation Bites
More than 100,000 protesters marched in cities across France yesterday as unions and workers made clear their feelings about high inflation.
This is what Happens when you Rely on the Government
Fingers are being pointed at Florida officials who some say waited to long to evacuate Lee County, but people need to take responsibility for themselves.
The Worst is Yet to Come
Policy makers are waking up to the fact that recession is brewing with job losses and continued inflation potentially leading to stagflation.
West Makes Plans to Avoid Panic if Russia uses Nukes
Some countries in Europe are taking Putin's threats to use nukes seriously enough that they are re-opening Cold War era bomb shelters.
UK Homes could Face Rolling Blackouts this Winter
the UK could experience rolling three-hour blackouts as the power companies deal with limited natural gas availability caused by the Ukraine invasion.
‘Best Before’ Labels scrutinized – Preppers were Right All Along
More proof that "best if used by" dates on shelf stable and canned foods mean little or nothing. Don't throw out those foods!
Bird Flu Explodes Across California
he Bird Flu has reached California and is spreading south as wild bird migrate southward. Millions of poultry have been euthanized.
Putin Sends Bombers to Nuclear Weapons Base as Fears of WW3...
The appearance of a fleet of TU-160 and TU-95 strategic bombers at Russia's Olenya Airbase near Finland has alarmed intelligence officials