The Pickled Prepper
An illuminated Tesla logo

Are Electric Vehicles a Good Choice for Preppers?

None of use will every be able to produce our own gasoline, but as solar power costs drop, can we recharge our own electric vehicles post SHTF?
The U.S. Silver Eagle, a one-ounce silver coin, seen on a large bar of silver.

Buying Gold and Silver at Costco

Cost, the warehouse store that is a prepper's paradise, has started selling gold bars and silver coins. Is buying gold and silver at Costco a good idea?
Shooter in ghilliesuit with a suppressed rifle.

If they Want Enemies, they will get Enemies

Sometimes, when you go around designating people your enemies, you may actually create an enemy where none existed.
A hidden forest cabin

The Forgotten Prep; Beyond Food and Water

Preppers concentrate on food and water so much they sometimes neglect their prepper shelter. Are you ready to survive live without utilities?
A cold, snowy city street.

Temperatures Plummet as Artic Blasts Heads South to Texas

Another storm with an artic blast is coming. This time, it;s heading to the Midwest and as far south as Texas.
A police car responding to a crime

Criminals and a Lack of Consequences

Criminals are now sniping at cops from rooftops. Two Newark officers were shot Tuesday, one in the neck, the other in the leg. Both...
Forging my knife.

My First Experience at Forging Yields a Rough Knife

I had a fun day forging, but the results of my first time at an anvil left something to be desired. Still, it was a good lesson.
inexpensive yet important prepping items include lighters, soap and triple antibiotic ointment.

Cheap Preps Anyone can Buy for $3 or Less

Prepping can be expensive, but not all preps are expensive. Even with inflation, you can find items for $1 or $2 if you shop...
Ruger 10/22 Takedown model with a Magpul backpacker stock.

The Takedown Ruger 10/22 for Survival

Pete reviews the Ruger Takedown 10/22 as a survival rifle and finds it fills a niche in his vehicle's Get Home Kit.
A MAC-10 with a silencer

The Problem isn’t Bad Guns, it’s Bad People

Mass shooting aren't caused by guns. They are caused by people. To stop them, society needs to do a better job of raising well-adjusted people.