The Pickled Prepper
This is the jacket cover of the first edition of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

A Report on Life from John Galt’s Gulch

We can stop socialism in its tracks by not sharing our money, our ideas, and our labor with them. Make little or no money, and they can’t tax you. Don’t work for the man, and the system will collapse.
A hand saying stop

We Are Reaching our Limit

Americans have always aimed to exceed our limits, but now we are being constrained. That can't last. Time to change course.
storage foods in buckets

My Last Minute Preps for TEOTWAWKI

If the end is near, its time to make sure your preps are up to date. Check your plans, inventory your gear, and coordinate with your prepper pals.
An explosion in Ukraine during Russian attack.

A New Offensive in Ukraine Panics Preppers

Are we being told the truth about the war in Ukraine or are we being lied to? Is the banking crisis real or is it under control? All you can do is prep.
Boarded up storefront. Image by RJA1988 from Pixabay.

It’s Getting Bad Out There

The lockdown started five months ago and the rioting 10 weeks. The combination is ruining the quality of life in major cities.
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

When they say “Empty Shelves,” they mean “Food Shortages”

"Empty shelves" is a trending topic, but why don't they just come out and say we have a food shortage? Stock up or risk going hungry.
A building in Ukraine destroyed in the war with Russia.

They want you to Ignore the War—Prepare Instead

While the mass media distracts you, the threat of war grows ever closer. Are you prepared for shortages, rationing, martial law and worse?
A cabin or retreat in the mountains

Make Rules for Smooth Functioning of Your Prepper Retreat

Who's in charge at your retreat? What will yo do if some people there are lazy? Maybe you should have a set or rules and expectations for prepper guests.
Forging my knife.

My First Experience at Forging Yields a Rough Knife

I had a fun day forging, but the results of my first time at an anvil left something to be desired. Still, it was a good lesson.
A gas burner

Inflation Strikes Again and Energy Prices Spike due to Polar Vortex

Our market disruptions continue, resulting in more supply-and demand imbalances and rising inflation. Cold temps exacerbate the problem and send natural gas prices soaring