The Pickled Prepper
A shooter providing overwatch.

Prepare Now for Self-Defense after the SHTF

You've got guns and ammo in your prepper stash, but have you given any thought to the circumstances in which you would use them?
A rusty can of grits stored in a barn.

How does Old Food Taste? Digging Into our Survival Stash

Its a good idea to inspect and taste-test your long term survival food from time to time. We were dubious abut this rusted can of grits, so we gave them a try.
Rioters in Washington DC. Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unspash.

Get Ready for More Violence in the Streets

Protests and riots have calmed down since Biden became president and the left felt vindicated, but they may be brewing again. Be prepared.
The odd egg was laid by a different breed of hen.

Prepper Diary and Homestead Update for November 10

As fall comes to a close, its time to winterize the homestead and make sure the livestock is protected from snow, wind, and cold weather.
recent stories on Drudge Report

What do Robots and Automation Mean for Preppers?

Automation has made us more productive, more efficient and more prosperous, but doesn't it also make us more vulnerable?
the mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay .

How Preppers can Prepare for a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan

The danger of China invading Taiwan is increasing, and I don't think it will be a small, limited affair. Here's how to prepare for what might be World War III.
Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Soaring Food Costs up 13 Percent for Preppers

Is it too late to stock your pantry shelves? Not yet, but our research shows prices have jumped 13 percent since January. However, one place costs half as much as Amazon.
Virginia election results in 2021

A Glimmer of Hope From the Election

It was good to see so many Democrats lose in Tuesday's election. The question is, will Democrats learn from this and become more moderate, or will they double down on their socialist plans?
A pendulum. Image by Cloé Gérard from Pixabay.

Law and Order Makes Comeback. Is the Pendulum Swinging?

When things get carried away and go to far in one direction, it's a natural law that they eventually swing the other way, like a pendulum. We may be nearing that turning point.
A cabin or retreat in the mountains

Make Rules for Smooth Functioning of Your Prepper Retreat

Who's in charge at your retreat? What will yo do if some people there are lazy? Maybe you should have a set or rules and expectations for prepper guests.