The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Chickens

Plastic nesting boxes

Prepper Diary May 8: Chicken Coops, Bee Hives, and Cold Weather

The weather interferes with our plans, but work progresses on the homestead as we continue to ready for our chicks and bees to be delivered.
A chicken sandwich. Photo by Go to Jacinto Diego's profile Jacinto Diego on Unsplash.

Chicken Shortage Looms: Have we Reached Peak Chicken?

Americans are gobbling so many chicken sandwiches, its leading to a chicken shortage. Seriously.
Installing the roof

The Chicken Coop Moves One Step Closer to Completion

The weather turned warm and sunny, allowing us to continue to work on our bee projects and our chicken coop. We are now ready if the bees come early. The coop needs more work.
primed coop

Prepper Diary April 21: Cold Weather Slows our Outdoor Work

As a blast of cold weather rolls Eastward, we fall back onto old winter habits and prep for possible snow fall.
Driveway in the Spring

Prepper Diary April 18: Spring Means We Get Busy

The weather cannot make up its mind: Warm one day, chilly the next. We get some work done but keep the fire lit at night for warmth.
Framed chicken coop

The Walls are Up as Chicken Coop Framing Continues

More sunny weather allowed us to make substantial progress on our chicken coop yesterday. We expect to pick up with roofing late next week.
Framing of the 12'x4' rear wall is complete.

Warm Weather Allows us to Make Excellent Progress on our Chicken...

Back to the grind stone--or should I say nail gun? Warm, dry weather allowed me to get back into the field and work on framing the chicken coop.
Two people in face masks. Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

To Mask or Not to Mask, that is the Question

I can't count how many times I walk up to a store and see the mask sign, forcing me back to my car to get my mask. We're seeing those signs come down.
Framing diagram for the front of our chicken coop

Planning, Flooring and Framing Out our Chicken Coop

Framing a simply structure like our chicken coop sounds easy, but it is also an easy way to introduce all kinds of errors. Proper planning helps keep it square, plumb and true.
A corner H-brace

Outdoor Work Resumes as the Weather Warms Again

Warm, dry weather means its time to work outdoors, so we recently picked up where we had left off with the garden fencing project.