Tag: Drought
Prepper News Update August 7
Volcanoes and Tsunamis
Volcanoes remain a hidden threat to the global supply chain, according to this article. Things seem to be heating up seismically around...
Is the Sh*t Hitting the Fan Yet?
Sometimes when the news is bad and it seems like every elected official is violating their oath to uphold the Constitution, you have to wonder how close the poop is to the impeller.
How to Prepare for Drought and Changing Weather Patterns
The Western U.S. is experiencing a record-setting drought. How can you survive if your water source dries up? What options are there?
Prepper News Update, July 2
Tropical Storm Elsa Heads Towards U.S.
We’re just one month into Hurricane Season and Tropical Storm Elsa has formed in the Atlantic and is slated...
Do Water Wars Loom in Our Future as Western Drought Worsens?
We've fought wars over oil. How much worse does the megadrought have to get before blows are exchanged over water?
Survival Diary June 28: Propane Possibilities
Our all-electric house may be getting its first propane-powered appliance. That could be the foot in the door.
One Hive Down, Two to Go; Plus Cyberattacks on Essential Services
After a clandestine meeting in which I slipped a woman a wad of $20s and she handed me a small, carefully built wooden box, I was the proud owner of some bees.
Extreme Drought Hits Western U.S., Plus New Solar Ideas
Much of the Western U.S. is in a severe to exceptional drought and unless some serious snow falls in their mountains, we could see an impact on the food supply