The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Guns

Police Car

Concealed Carry Gives you Options in a Mass Shooting

Without a gun, you can run and hide. With a gun, you can run, hide, or choose fight back. Give yourself a fighting chance.
Excess slings in storage

Why it’s Important to Check Your Preps and Maintain Your Gear

Checking your stuff and keeping it in good condition is one of the things that separates preppers from hoarders. Don't wait too long.
An AR15 carbine. Photo by STNGR Industries on Unsplash.

40 Million Americans are Ready to Take up Arms

Americans are more ready than ever to pick up their arms and fight for their rights. The gun grabber would do well to remember this.
Stacks of different calibers and brands of ammunition

We Shop 7 Gun Stores Seeking Better Prices

I've heard ammo prices are dropping and the shortage is over, but is that true? I stop by gun stores during a road trip to check it out.
A warfighter in camo

What Kind of Prepper Are You? Guns vs Food

Guns play a role in preparedness, especially in this day and age. But where do they fall in your priority list? Before or after food?

Prepper News Update July 5

The Problem With Carrying Guns in An Anti-Gun State This story about cops closing I-95 because of 11 armed men has been all over the...
Defensive shooting positions

How to Prepare for the Destruction of our Economy and the...

How do you prepare for the coming collapse of our society? What do we need besides food, water and shelter?
Polymer 80 box

Time to Buy an 80-percent Receiver and Build a Ghost Gun

Gun sales are soaring. Ammo is in short supply. The Democrats want to ban your guns. The ATF wants to increase regulation. Sounds like its time to buy a gun,
The OPSol Mini-Clip

We Test Aguila Minishells and OPSol Mini-clip in the Mossberg Shockwave

At our last day, we tested a trifecta: The Mossberg Shockwave, outfitted with the OPSol Mini-Clip, shooting the Aguila Minishells.
Travel by car

How and Why I Carry Guns During Interstate Travel

Being a fairly hardcore survivalist demands sacrifices, but I prefer not to compromise on my personal safety. I carry concealed wherever I go, even when I am on the road.