The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Inflation

An oil pump at sunset. Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash.

Cutting Our Legs Out From Under Us – Part One

How our food supply, currency, and fossil fuel industry are under attack and what it means for our society.
prepper news update

Prepper News Update, October 21

Afghanistan Sinks Further Into Misery without U.S. Whether you blame Joe Biden for pulling out or the Taliban for its cruel practices and inability to...

Prepper News Update, October 15

Butterballs Warns of Possible Turkey Shortage for Thanksgiving The problem is not a lack of turkeys, but a lack of people to process and ship...
A curve about to explore upwards.

Inflation and Supply Chain Problems Rise Above the Fold

We are reaching that inflection point where inflation and supply chain problems can no longer be brushed under the rug.

Prepper News Update, October 14

Power Bills Predicted to Jump up to 54 Percent this Winter The first major snowstorm hit the Rocky Mountains north into Montana, leaving from a...

Prepper News Update for October 11

File Under “Don’t Say we Didn’t Warn You” In this article on the new energy crisis, the Washington Post points out that some power plants...
Stock market charts

The Systematic Destruction of the Economy Continues

When everything the government does seems to make inflation higher and the economy worse, you have to ask yourself: Are they doing it on purpose?
Fiat currency from around the globe

How to Survive Hyperinflation: Venezuela Cuts Six Zeros From its Currency

What will you do when it costs $100 to buy a soda and gas is over $300 a gallon? Better plan now to survive hyperinflation.
Energy supplies are tightening and prices rising. Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash.

Hold on Folks, Energy Prices are Going to Soar

Natural gas shortages in the UK and Europe and coal shortages in China are not local events. They are going to drive up energy prices in the U.S.

Prepper News Update September 28

It’s a Global Energy Crisis Flashback Just like we’re experiencing inflation at rates last seen in the 1970s, it appears that the world is experiencing...