The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Inflation

Prepper News Update for September 14

Food prices, energy prices, even producer prices are increasing. We're in for some ugly economic times ahead.
Soybeans growing in a field. Photo by Braden Egli on Unsplash.

Prepare for Unrest, War and Regime Change Next Year

As food prices rise in the U.S., its worse in countries that import the majority of their food. Expect shortages and much higher prices to cause disruption in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Death Spiral

We are Caught in a Death Spiral

Things have been getting worse for decades, but so slowly it is easy to ignore. Now the bad news comes faster and we cannot escape the death spiral.
Empty shelves at a Florida grocery store due to shortages. Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash.

How to Prepare for and Survive Shortages

Shortages and inflation feed off each other like a snake chasing its tail and won't end soon. Her'es what you can do to prepare.
Plenty of meat at Costco

We Stock up on a Big Shopping Trip

The time has come to store food for the coming bad times. Fragile systems are collapsing and the weather is hurting global crop yields. We may have reached Peak Food.

Prepper News Update August 16

Tyson to Raise Prices on September 5 While most of American is enjoying one last long weekend at the beach or in the backyard with...
A contagious patient. Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash.

Social Effects of COVID-19 May Be Worse than Medical Threat

COVID-19 is bad, but the damage it is wreaking on our society may be even worse. It is illuminating the petty tyrants who seek to rule rather than govern.
Beirut lebanon

As one Country Collapses, Will we Learn a Lesson?

Will the United States and our politicians learn from the errors made by other countries, or will they allow mismanagement and corruption drag us down?
Corned beef hash

Grocery Shopping, Inflation, and the Cost of Calories

When looking at your prepper pantry and your budget, consider the cost per calorie and throw most of your dietary guidelines out the window.
Stacks of different calibers and brands of ammunition

We Shop 7 Gun Stores Seeking Better Prices

I've heard ammo prices are dropping and the shortage is over, but is that true? I stop by gun stores during a road trip to check it out.