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Tag: Prepping

Close up of wheat ready to be harvested.

World’s Second Largest Wheat Producer Halts Exports

India just joined the growing number of countries implementing some kind of food protectionism. Isn't it time you stored some grains for your family?
industrial manufacturing

Is the Next Shoe to Fall a Chinese Collapse?

As the lockdown in China continues and may spread to Beijing, we have to consider the repercussions for U.S. retailers and manufacturers.
A house with solar panels on its roof.

Is it Time to invest in a Solar Power System?

With the current energy crisis and the growing threat of electricity blackouts, is it time for preppers to consider solar power?
An 18-wheeler

Diesel is Suddenly our Achilles Heel

Without diesel fuel, trucks, ships, trains, tractors, and heavy equipment all fall silent. As a shortage looms, commerce may grind to a halt.
World Economic Forum logo. Photo by Evangeline Shaw on Unsplash.

Is the WEF Trying to Kill us?

Is the World Economic Forum trying to reduce the number of humans on earth? Is this part of the great reset and can they do it by 2030?
A consumer drone in flight

How to Take Out a Drone Post-SHTF

In a post-SHTF scenario, a drone could represent a serious threat. Shotguns are one good solution, but you have to pick the right ammo.
A pro-choice protest in Washington.

Overturning Roe v. Wade Leads to Protest and More

The leaked Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade is already generating protests and civil unrest. Are you prepared for worse?
Two boxes of Zatarains rice

We Find Time to Prep as Food Shortage Looms

Walmart continues to be well stocked and while prices are up, there are still good buys to be found for preppers
Shh! It's a secret.

The Big Secret: The Recession is Here

The government doesn't want you to know, but we're heading into in a recession. Worse yet, we will soon be experiencing stagflation.
cyberattack warning

Should you Worry About Cyberattacks?

With threats from Russia growing daily, should you be worried about cyberattacks threatening our systems and infrastructure?