Tag: Prepping
How High is Your Personal Rate of Inflation?
You can see inflation on the sign at the gas station. You can feel it when you shop for groceries. Chances are, everything you buy is going up.
How to Prepare for the Coming Wheat Shortage
Wheat prices are soaring, and it doesn't bode well for your grocery bill. Here are some tips for managing the rising cost of bread and related products.
Drawing Clonclusions From Russia’s Poor Performance in Ukraine
The lack of success Russia's army had in Ukraine raises numerous questions about their equipment, tactics, and long-term chance of success.
Welcome New Preppers; Get Started Here
We've seen lots of new preppers this past week so we've put together this special prepping primer to help them get started.
The Ugly Truth About Prepping
It's one thing to prep for a hurricane, an earthquake, or high inflation. Preparing for a potentially cataclysmic disaster takes it to another level.
Life at Home Continues in Spite of the War
Don't allow yourself to get too bogged down or too depressed by a bad situation on the other side of the world. You and I can't do anything about it, so focus on you life and your preps.
Russia is Dooming us All with its Ukraine War
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has already resulted in the Ruble crashing and runs on Russian banks, but it will be no picnic for the rest of us as the war drags us closer to a global collapse
Important Information on Surviving a Nuclear Attack
In response to sanctions, Russia has threatened the use of nuclear weapons and moved its nuclear forces to a high state of readiness. That’s...
Are Preppers Buying up all the Rice at Sam’s Club?
There is an apaprent shortage of some prepper staple products at Sam's Club. Only one kind of rice and one kind of pasta were in stock.
Planning for Life After the SHTF – Part 2
Prepeprs focus on food, water and shelter, but do you have your sewage needs covered? Do you know where your firewood will come from post-SHTF?