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Tag: Prepping

Ford F150

Prepper Diary August 6: Good News

My daughter texted me a picture of her boyfriend’s new Ford F150, and I was thinking, “Wow, about time he got a real vehicle.” ...
A view of the Appalachian Mountains from Tennessee. Photo by Joshua williams on Unsplash

August 3: Our First Step Towards Moving

We kicked off our move by renting a U-Haul and loading it with food and ammo. Dragging it up, over and around the mountains was a chore.
Gold and silver coins

Precious Metals for Preppers

We answer the questions: Do gold and silver have a role in your preparedness planning? If so, what types should you buy and when?
The view from our deck

Prepper Diary July 26: We Close on our Prepper Property

After two years of searching, we finally spend our first night in our new property. There's work to be done, like eradicating the mice that call it home.
A field of wheat being harvested

The Top 10 Things to Buy Before the Election

There are many predictions of difficult times ahead. Here's our list of the top 10 things you may want to buy before the election.
We opted to live halfway up a mountain, far from the nearest city. Photo by skingery314 from Pixabay

Prepper Diary July 13: Our Property Search Draws to a Close

We've opted to move halfway up a mountain and far from the city. Mountain life lies ahead for us as we take the next step towards our prepper property purchase.
A cabin or retreat in the mountains

Prepper Diary July 8: A Retreat Visit

Our daughter visited the family retreat or bug out location without us for the first time. It was a learning experience for all involved.
Stacks of ammo cans

Prepping Diary July 5: Packing our Ammo

As we prepare for our move, we need to properly store and transport our guns, ammo, powder, primers, and other "hazardous" materials that movers won't take.

Preppers Need to Go Beyond Planning and Build Skills

Preppers plan and prepare, but that's just the first step. Training and practice are necessary to build skills and gain experience.
A steep uphill dirt road

We Explore Our Future Prepper Property

We walk the property, which is down a private road and halfway up a mountain.