Tag: Russia
War and Conflict Seem to be our Natural State
War destroys, but it also creates. Conflict drives innovation. But that doesn't mean is is easy; there is a price to be paid.
New Wars, Old Wars and Threats of Even More Wars
There are big wars and small wars, local wars and broad wars, existing wars and future wars, and we need to prep for them all.
Is our System Collapsing in Real Time?
Tucker Carlson thinks our system is collapsing in real time. Hard to argue with that. But if the dollar dies, so will the global financial system.
Problems in Russia are Escalating
Lots of bad news from Russia for a Monday, and he mainstream media seems to be ignoring much of it.
Will Warrant for Wagner Head Plunge Russia into civil War
Martial law has been declared in Moscow and an arrest warrant has been issued for Yevgeny Prigozhin, the outspoken owner of the Wagner Group
Patriot System in Ukraine Shoots Down Russian Hypersonic Missiles
The U.S. Patriot missile system in Ukraine not only survived its first trial by fire, it passed with flying colors and made the Russians look bad.
A New Offensive in Ukraine Panics Preppers
Are we being told the truth about the war in Ukraine or are we being lied to? Is the banking crisis real or is it under control? All you can do is prep.
Liars, Damn Liars, and Politicians
I don’t know if all politicians lie, or if all people in positions of power lie, but it sure seems that like all governments lie.
Keeping Multiple Balls in the Air
When there are many things that could go wrong, it can be hard to know what to prepare for. We've got some advice on how to juggle your preps.
How to Prepare as the Nuclear Threat Level Rises
You may be well prepared, but are you prepared for a nuclear war? Here are specific things you can do to help protect yourself from a nuclear attack.