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Tag: The Economy

Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Prices are Rising, but Inflation is Only the Tip of the...

Inflation is going to be bad, but the broader economic and social disruption it can kick off are even worse. Are you prepared?
Defensive shooting positions

How to Prepare for the Destruction of our Economy and the...

How do you prepare for the coming collapse of our society? What do we need besides food, water and shelter?
Homeless camp along a city street. Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.

Are we seeing the Beginning of the End?

Sometimes I get a bad feeling, like the air before a thunderstorm. Something ugly is headed our way. Or is it here already?
Cattle grazing. Photo by Lynda Hinton on Unsplash.

Another Way to Prepare for Inflation: Buy Now to Save later

How are you preparing for the coming wave of inflation? Today's post gives details on what one farmer is doing.
Paying by debit card

Prepper Shopping Basket Shows Surprise Decline in Food Prices

Despite what we see at the grocery store, our prepper shopping basket held surprisingly stead since January. Fuel prices, however, are up an average of 13 percent.
cash register drawer

Inflation on the Rise Across Multiple Segments

As costs rise at the cash register, your money becomes worth less and less. Inflation is rising for multiple reasons and you need to act quickly to beat it.
Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

All About Inflation and How to Protect Yourself

The main stream media doesn't cover it outside the financial pages, but inflation is coming. Here's what it means to you and how preppers have a leg up when it comes to surviving inflation.
The dollar's buying power is being eroded by inflation.

Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report Shows Surprising Results

It's been five weeks since we first noted the average online cost for key prepping items, so we check back in to see the results. They may surprise you.
Burning $100 bill

Shortages and Inflation Grow; New Policies not Helping

First it was guns and ammo in short supply. Now its computer chips. This is causing inflation and Biden's policies are making it worse.
A Civil War-era cannon overlooks the modern day city of Chattanooga. Image by David Mark from Pixabay.

Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money: WallStreetBets Shows us how to Fight...

Are we witnessing the first shots fire in anger of CW2? Will it be fought with money and words, instead of guns?