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Soldiers from the British Expeditionary Force fire at low flying German aircraft during the Dunkirk evacuation in June of 1940.

Now we Know What 1940 Felt Like

As preppers, we hope for the best, no war, and prepare for the worst, World War III. This must be what it felt like before the U.S. entered WWII.
Donkey cart evacuees

The Gaza Evacuation is too Little too Late

It's better to bug out on a donkey cart than not at all. Even better would have been to leave when the war first broke out.
Packing a suitcase prior to bugging out

Should you Bug Out if we go to War?

if the war spread beyond Israel and Gaza to involved Iran and the U.S., will you bug out or hunker down. Pete shares some plans.
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

Buy Food and Gear before the Pipeline Runs Dry

The Middle East war is creating new preppers as Americans feel scared and threatened, Step up and buy any last minute supplies before it is too late.
Time to stockpile gasoline as oil prices will rise.

Thoughts on the Surprise War in Israel

The world has always been a dangerous place, but with the attack is Israel and the war in the Middle East, that danger is now closer to the surface.
The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor may have been the catalyst of the United States to enter WWII, but the war began more than two years prior when Germany invaded Poland.

The Start of the Next World War

Will historian consider February 24, 2022, the start of World War III? Conditions seem ripe for the war in Ukraine to spread.
Prepper News Update

Problems in Russia are Escalating

Lots of bad news from Russia for a Monday, and he mainstream media seems to be ignoring much of it.
A tank lost in the Ukrainian War

Ukraine War Grows Fiercer, More Likely to Spread

The Ukrainian War seems to have started small and grown over time. This latest counteroffensive by Ukraine may be the ultimate battle, or war could spread.
A building in Ukraine destroyed in the war with Russia.

They want you to Ignore the War—Prepare Instead

While the mass media distracts you, the threat of war grows ever closer. Are you prepared for shortages, rationing, martial law and worse?
This is a DoD photo of a patriot missiles system based in Turkey ten years ago. While we don't have photos of the Patriot battery in Ukraine, it shook look similar.

Patriot System in Ukraine Shoots Down Russian Hypersonic Missiles

The U.S. Patriot missile system in Ukraine not only survived its first trial by fire, it passed with flying colors and made the Russians look bad.