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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Unemployed during the great depression

COVID-19 Is Killing the Economy

A couple days ago, we published an article saying that it will take three years to get back to normal. In this segment, we explain why the economy is a big part of that slow recovery.
Unemployment office

Grim COVID-19 News Continues

The coronavirus seems to have slowed slightly as it blankets the U.S., killing people and the economy, yet the news is still pretty grim.
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Day 27 of Quarantine and Counting

It’s official: In a few hours, my wife and I will have been in quarantine for four weeks. About the best I can say is that it doesn’t suck.
coronavirus visualization

More COVID-19 Milestones

COVID-19 cases hit a number of milestones yesterday, surpassing 400,000 in the U.S., 1.5 million globally, with deaths closing in on 90,000.
Crowded streets at Times Square

We’re Three Years from Normal

No one disputes that the coronavirus has been a blow, but when will this crisis be over and how long will it take to recover?
Wuhan skyline

As COVID-19 Death Rate Jumps in U.S., Chinese Re-Open Wuhan

As COVID-19 cases continue their growth across the U.S., China embarks upon a grand experiment, unlocking the Wuhan province where this all began, sending an estimated 55,000 people out via train, potentially carrying the coronavirus to other parts of China and even the world.
Freezer Contents

Quarantine Day 25: Would we Change our Preps?

I’ve got stacks of paperback books, a few hardbacks, a Kindle, streaming services and DirecTv, a computer, an Xbox, and a list of chores, but the best part of the day tends to be the phone calls. I spent about two hours on the phone today, all personal calls.
Ital Reopening

Some Hopeful as COVID-19 Curve may be Flattening

As the coronavirus nears what many hope is a peak, New York cases, hospital admissions and ICU admissions continue to fall while deaths remain steady at close to 600 in the past 24 hours.
Protests and Riots

Will the Coronavirus Crisis Lead to Civil Unrest?

How to prepare for protests, riots and looting that the coronavirus or subsequent economic collapse could cause.
NY COVID-19 Data from 4-6-20

COVID-19 Spread Continues

Coronavirus continues its march across the U.S., leading to more and more governors implement stay home orders and other restrictions to help combat its spread. Alaska is the only state with less than 200 cases at 185.