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Yearly Archives: 2021
The Walls are Up as Chicken Coop Framing Continues
More sunny weather allowed us to make substantial progress on our chicken coop yesterday. We expect to pick up with roofing late next week.
Warm Weather Allows us to Make Excellent Progress on our Chicken...
Back to the grind stone--or should I say nail gun? Warm, dry weather allowed me to get back into the field and work on framing the chicken coop.
COVID-19 Continues to Spread in Europe, Latin America and Michigan
While COVID-19 cases remained relatively steady in the U.S. this past week, Europe and Latin America continue to struggle with the virus.
To Mask or Not to Mask, that is the Question
I can't count how many times I walk up to a store and see the mask sign, forcing me back to my car to get my mask. We're seeing those signs come down.
Book Review “World Made by Hand” by James Howard Kunstler
Sometimes you pick up a book and its difficult to put down again. This book definitely roped me in and grabbed my attention. A great read!
Bridges, new Bridges, Get Your Fresh Infrastructure Here
A trillion here, a trillion there; pretty soon you're talking about some real money. Money we don't have, but don't worry, you'll eventually pay for it.
As the Shutdowns Draw to a Close, Traffic and Crime Rises
Shutting down the country to prevent the spread of COVID-19 had plenty of unintended consequences, from the economic to mental health. Reopening may have consequences, too.
Spring Shows Up For a Few Days, the Tease
The yellow blooms of forsythia in the valley below us herald the coming of spring, but our mountain locations keeps it at bay.
Inflation on the Rise Across Multiple Segments
As costs rise at the cash register, your money becomes worth less and less. Inflation is rising for multiple reasons and you need to act quickly to beat it.
COVID-19 Bounces Back in the U.S. Signaling Possible Start to a...
As COVID-19 case numbers rise again, we may be witnessing the end of the hope and excitement about a return to "normal" by summer.