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Yearly Archives: 2021
COVID-19 Increases in Europe Despite Continued U.S. Decline
Just two months ago, the U.S. was seeing COVID-19 cases grow at 9 percent per week. In the past week, the U.S. has seen growth of 1.4 percent. Meanwhile cases across Europe are climbing.
Loose Lips Sink Ships; Knowing When to Say Nothing
While there are no U-boats out there, someone may be looking to torpedo you. Knowing when to say nothing and keep a low profile can help protect you.
Looks Like More Preppers are Moving to our Mountain
Apparently we are not the only folks who think this is a good area for prepping. Far from the cities and off the beaten track, it is attracting other preppers
Prepper Diary March 6: Installing our Fence Posts Continues
After drilling our holes earlier in the week and picking up gravel and concrete yesterday, we are ready to continue installing our fence posts.
COVID-19: Is it Getting Better, Worse, or Does it Even Matter?
First it was masks and social distancing. Then it was the vaccine. Now scientists are finding new reasons COVID-19 way be with us. But will it change our behavior?
Prepper Diary: We Review our Options and Pick a Powerful Fence...
After evaluating a number of power augers, we decided to go with a powerful option to dig our 25 fence post holes.
Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report Shows Surprising Results
It's been five weeks since we first noted the average online cost for key prepping items, so we check back in to see the results. They may surprise you.
COVID-19 Cases Level Off as Vaccination Accelerates in U.S.
As the decrease in COVID-19 cases levels off and some worry that social distancing has been relaxed too early, vaccination ramps up.
How Venezuela Turned Back to Capitalism when Socialism Failed
If you were paying attention over the last few years, you got to witness the collapse of Venezuela as it experienced the failed promises of socialism. Now capitalism may save it.
Texas Freeze Damage Assessment Continues: Time to do Your Own
As the amount of damage done to lives, livelihoods, houses, business and agriculture continue to climb in Texas, you may want to re-assess your preps.