The Pickled Prepper
NOAA Flash Flooding Risk Map for 9-9-22

Floods from Tropical Storm Kay to Hit California, Possibly Nevada

Hurricane Kay is heading to Southern California. Flooding from hurricanes can be very dangerous and often causes more loss of life than high winds.
Close up of wheat ready to be harvested.

33 Reasons the Food Crisis will Grow Worse

Crops losses around the globe are mounting, many caused by drought or flooding. Here's a list of 33.
Underground tunnel

Is the Answer Bunkers or Cooperative Farms?

Who has a better chance of surviving the end f the world, a billionaire in a bunker or a homesteader practicing regenerative farming?
bad news

2020s Might be Worse than the 1970s

Historian warns people not to be "overoptimistic" as the economy this decade might be worse than it was in the 1970s.
A U.S. F35 stealth fighter.

British Deploy Fighter Aircraft to Civilian Airports

The British Air Force has decided to redeploy its Typhoon and F-35 fighter aircraft to regional airports to avoid attack.
Prepper News Update

Civil War May be Breaking Out In Baghdad

Riots in the Green Zone led to running gun battles and rocket attacks with multiple deaths and many injuries reported.
Brown crops in a dry field.

Europe is Facing its Worst Drought in at Least 500 Years

Europe's drought is affecting crop yields, hyrdropower generation and inland shipping.
industrial manufacturing

China Moves Factories to War Footing

China is taking steps to ready their military, their factories, and their populace for war.
world half in flames

Oops, the World hasn’t Coming to an End Yet

People have been predicting the end of the world for a long time, but we're still here and so is the planet.
Used merchandise at a flea market. Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash.

We Are Not the First Civilization to Collapse, But Probably the...

The United States is not the first civilization in North America to collapse, but we may be the last because we are destroying the future.