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Age Distribution of COVID-19 Cases

Coronavirus Report June 25: U.S. Hit New Peak

As the U.S. sets a new record for COVID-19 cases reported in 24 hours, the demographics of the disease are changing. The majority of cases are now in those under 50

Coronavirus Report June 24

The number of cases in the U.S. jumped 35,100 in the past 24 hours to 2,357,200, but before you get panicked about the large...
A doctor's stethoscope. Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Why We Flattened the Curve

Flattening the curve worked; it bought us time to understand COVID-19 and to better understand how to treat it. Don't let the higher numbers panic you.
Road sign on Social Distancing. Photo by Alex Motoc on Unsplash

Coronavirus Report June 23: 9 Million Cases

As the world tops 9 million cases, COVID-19 spikes across the U.S. with 26 states now seeing increases.
mask hanging from a rear view mirror. Photo by Matt Wilson on Unsplash

Coronavirus Report June 22: Are We Seeing the Memorial Day Effect?

As cases continue to climb in 23 states, we have to wonder, how much of this is attributed to general reopening, how much can be traced back to Memorial Day, and how much is due to crowded protests?
COVID-19 cases and deaths in charts from the New York Times on 6-21-20

Coronavirus Report June 21 – Cases Up, Deaths Down

While cases of coronavirus continue to climb in the U.S. and around the world, the death rate continues to drop.
crowded venue

Coronavirus Report June 17: Stay Out of Crowds

Churches, bars, meat packing plants and other places where people congregate are responsible for recent COVID-19 clusters.
A woman wearing a face mask to reduce transmission of COVID-19. Photo by Li Lin on Unsplash.

Coronavirus Report June 16: Good News/Bad News

While coronavirus continues to grow in many states and countries, there's good news about treatment for seriously ill patients.
BLM protests fill the streets. Photo by Tony Zhen on Unsplash

Coronavirus Report June 14: New CDC Data

Recent CDC data predicts deaths will grow in six states, but its only a drop in the bucket.
A young boy with a mask. Photo by Md. Shazzadul Alam on Unsplash

Coronavirus Report June 13: It’s Not the Second Wave

Just as the coronavirus is being brought under control in some states and Europe, it is spreading in others, including the American South, South America, the Middle East and across the sub continenet.