The Pickled Prepper
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An empty soup shelf from May 2020

Cutting Our Legs Out From Under Us – Part Two

In Part One of this series, we discussed how food, energy, and money at the three legs of the tripod the supports human life on Earth. Today, we take a closer look at food.
The novel coronavirus

My COVID-19 Test Results are In

After getting a cough and having wheezy breathing, I get tested for COVID.
Man wearing face mask. Photo by Engin Akyurt on unsplash

Make a Choice, Face the Consequences

People make bad decisions all the time. Some have minor consequences, others may lead to death. The government can't save them all, nor should they.
Vaccine syringe and vial

New Mandates a Giant Step Forward in Government Overreach

Maybe he did it to change the narrative away from the Afghanistan withdrawal, but Biden's new vaccine mandates are another example of executive overreach.
quiet non-compliance, refusal. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Quiet Non-Compliance For the Win

Have you ever noticed than when many people refuse to do something or use something, that something fades and loses its luster?
COVID-19 mask being burned in protest.

COVID is Breaking the System, and it may Never Bounce Back

I think we could have handled a pandemic but the global overreaction, the lockdowns, the restrictions and the crackdown on individual liberties are far worse than the disease itself.

Prepper News Update August 27

Large Food Suppliers Running out of Stock in U.S. Companies like Sysco, which supply the restaurant and institutional food market, are experiencing problems with sourcing...
Sign stating face coverings required to enter

Just say No and COVID Mandates Will Backfire

We need to resist the mandates and unjust laws en mass because they can't arrest us all; there will be no one left to do their work.
A contagious patient. Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash.

Social Effects of COVID-19 May Be Worse than Medical Threat

COVID-19 is bad, but the damage it is wreaking on our society may be even worse. It is illuminating the petty tyrants who seek to rule rather than govern.
Vaccine syringe and vial

Study Answers Question: How Effective is the Vaccine?

As Delta spreads, new evidence reveals that it might not be the unvaccinated that are causing the problem. The Pfizer vaccine is weak against this variation.