The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Coronavirus

President Biden as seen in this photo released by the White House

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: Government Loses Control of the COVID-19...

Conflicting data, changing stories, and the politicization of science are resulting in a wave of confusion and mistrust when it comes to this latest wave of COVID-19. messages,
police in combat gear representing force

The Slippery Slope: Where do the Mandates End?

First it was mask mandates. Then it was business closures. Now the government is forcing people to get the vaccine. Wher does this pattern of abuse lead us?
Masks have become a way of life as COVID-19 sweeps across the globe.

Are you Seeing Panic In Your State?

The Pfizer vaccine may be less than 40 percent effective against the Delta variant of COVID-19. We hit 49,746 cases on July 23. Are people around you panicking, or is it just the media?

Prepper News Update July 23: COVID and Inflation Look Like they...

I am still on vacation, but here's a short prepper news update: Shutdowns Begin in California as COVID-19 Cases Surge A few restaurants in Los Angeles...
COVID-19 is back.

What to Expect as COVID-19 Cases Climb in Every State

COVID-19 cases are up in every state, driven by the Delta variant. Here's what to expect, how to prepare for it, and what to do before it is too late.
Hurricane Elsa heads north.

Just a Short Update and Prepper News Recap

Not much going on around the homestead today, so I did chores and got things prepper in case storms from Hurricane Elsa get this...

Prepper News Update, July 2

Tropical Storm Elsa Heads Towards U.S. We’re just one month into Hurricane Season and Tropical Storm Elsa has formed in the Atlantic and is slated...
A contagious patient. Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash.

Many Vaccines Less Effective with Delta Variant of COVID-19

Perhaps people would take the Delta variant of COVID-19 more seriously if they called it COVID-21. Its causing another wave in much of the world.
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

Problems in the Food Supply Chain Causes Shortages, Price Increases

Empty grocery store shelves are so last year... or are they? As food service at restaurants and hotels restarts, expect more food supply disruptions.
A doctor gives an immunization to a patient. Photo by CDC on Unsplash.

COVID-19 Plunges in U.S. But Sees Growth in Other Countries

The CDC relaxes its mask mandate for fully vaccinated individuals, but we expect everyone except the very sick or the very paranoid to remove theirs.