The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Inflation

A contagious patient. Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash.

Social Effects of COVID-19 May Be Worse than Medical Threat

COVID-19 is bad, but the damage it is wreaking on our society may be even worse. It is illuminating the petty tyrants who seek to rule rather than govern.
Beirut lebanon

As one Country Collapses, Will we Learn a Lesson?

Will the United States and our politicians learn from the errors made by other countries, or will they allow mismanagement and corruption drag us down?
Corned beef hash

Grocery Shopping, Inflation, and the Cost of Calories

When looking at your prepper pantry and your budget, consider the cost per calorie and throw most of your dietary guidelines out the window.
Stacks of different calibers and brands of ammunition

We Shop 7 Gun Stores Seeking Better Prices

I've heard ammo prices are dropping and the shortage is over, but is that true? I stop by gun stores during a road trip to check it out.

Prepper News Update July 23: COVID and Inflation Look Like they...

I am still on vacation, but here's a short prepper news update: Shutdowns Begin in California as COVID-19 Cases Surge A few restaurants in Los Angeles...
Pallets of flour at Sam's Club

Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report Shows Surprising Results

The CPI is up, headlines are blaring about inflation, Wall Street is worried, yet when we compare prices for prepper pantry staples now and in January, inflation seems to be missing.
Red flags

Is it Just me? Or is the World Falling Apart?

Danger zones, hot spots, and red flags seem to litter the global map. When things go wrong, they seem to go wrong everywhere, all at once.

Prepper News Update July 12

Wall Street Journal says Higher Inflation Is Here for Years Economists surveyed have raised their expectations for inflation lasting through 2023, but not by much....
international currency

What is Hyperinflation and How to Survive it

Are you prepared for runaway inflation? Is anyone? We discuss what hyperinflation looks like and tactics to survive it.
Rising Prices

Double Digit Inflation Causes Pain in my Wallet

Its pretty shocking when things I bought in March and April cost more just two or three months later. Inflation is here, and its far more than 4 or 5 percent.