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I-95 storm traffic jam

Driving Home why you Need a Survival Kit in your Car

Thousands of drivers were stranded overnight on I-95 in Virginia, with many stuck for 15 or 20 hours, because a storm dumped snow on...

Omicron: Its going to Get Worse

Airline delays and cruise ship cases are just the warning signs. As we move beyond the holidays, the damage and danger of Omicron will become clear.
Cities are crowded, as this subway station shows. Eduardo Davad from Pixabay.

Urban Prepping is an Oxymoron; Get Out while you Can

If you consider yourself a serious prepper and you live in a large city, you need to re-evaluate your priorities. Increase your odds of survival by leaving.
Soles pulled off my boots

When Shoe Sole Blows Out, Shoe Goo to the Rescue

Just when I thought I was prepared regarding footwear, the soles peeled off my old hiking boots. Will Shoe Goo do the repair?
violence and war

Ringing in 2022 with Some Depressing Predictions

Happy New Year, but don't get your hopes up. Our 2022 predictions for 2022 say it will be expensive, dangerous, and depressing.
Used merchandise at a flea market. Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash.

Potential Underground Jobs and Opportunities after the SHTF

What will you do when the financial system collapses, the banks close, the stock market shuts down, and businesses close?
A Christmas nativity scene, Photo by Al Elmes on Unsplash.

A Country Christmas Weekend

We celebrate Christmas at home and take it easy over the weekend.
old dimes and quarters

Silver Dealer Tries to Charge me an Enormous Premium

I run into a rude coin dealer who apparently doesn't need my cash. Be an educated consumer and knowing when to walk away from a bad deal.
prepper news update

Prepper News Update: War Drums and Crime Waves

Russia Threatens to go Nuclear Over Ukraine We’ve discussed the possibility that Russia might invade Ukraine. I think it would be a mistake and it...
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

The Dangers of Running out of Stuff

Will the world as we know it come crashing down because of supply chain shortages? It's certainly possible as shortages may persist for years.