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COVID-19 healthcare worker

Will Omicron Stop Inflation or Make it Worse?

Omicron has caused markets to drop. Are we seeing a repeat of March 2020, or is a slowing economy what we need to address rising prices?
Colorfully wrapped gifts

Great Christmas Gift Ideas for Preppers

Take a few steps ahead in your prepping journey by giving gifts that boost your family's level of preparedness. Check our our suggestions.
Pistol pointed at your face

New Violent Criminal Threats to Your Personal Safety

Violent criminals are using masses of people to overwhelm police and security. Similar techniques are carrying over to robberies of individuals as well.
We opted to live halfway up a mountain, far from the nearest city. Photo by skingery314 from Pixabay

Lesson Learned from One Year of Rural Living

One year in, we would move from the city to the mountains again. If you are looking to go rural, maybe you can benefit from our experiences.
As fear about COVID Omicron rises, expect to see more mask wearing.

COVID Omicron: Fear Mongering Reaches New Heights

It's Big! It's Bad! It's a new variation of COVID-19 and the media, the politicians, and Big Pharma want you to be scared.
A dying city after the apocalypse. Imege by ArtTower on Pixabay

How a Collapse Could Knock us Back to the 1880s

If we suffered an EMP strike or other cataclysmic event that knocked out utilities for years, how long would a recovery take and what would it look like?
Black tactical boots worn in the woods.

Beyond the Basics: What You Should be Stockpiling Now

When you are prepping for the long term, you need to go beyond food, water, self-dense, and medical. Footwear is one good example.
Pete's Bugout Bg

Evaluating my Old Bugout Bag

I sorted through my bugout bag from 2018. Let's take a look at some of the things it held and what it was missing.
An AR15 style modern sporting rifle.

Is the AR-15 the Best Gun for Preppers?

There are an estimated 20 million or more AR-15s in civilian hands. It's a common platform familiar to many, but is it the best gun for preppers?
prepper news update

Prepper News Update November 11

Inflation Cripples Turkish Lira If you pay attention to Turkey–and much of the world is not because the situation gets little mainstream media coverage–you can...